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Print: Some of the brochures, factsheets and posters can be delivered in printed version on request. Send a request to for further information.
Environmental ReportEnvironmental report for Norwegian aquaculture with an emphasis on statistics and facts |
Aquaculture in NorwayBrochure (A4) about Norwegian aquaculture, with an emphasis on salmon farming (2011). | |
Escaped fishFactsheet on the escape of fish from fish farming (A4). (2011) | |
Salmon liceFactsheet on sea lice. Dispersion, regulations, measures and results (A4). (2011) | |
Emissions of nutrientsFactsheet on emissions of nutrients and organic materials from fish farming (A4). (2011) | |
Fish feedFactsheet on the raw materials used in fish feed, feed composition, research and sustainability (A4). (2011) | |
The coastal zoneFactsheet on aquaculture’s use of marine areas, development and preservation of natural recourses (A4). (2011)
Trimmings and by-products Factsheet on use of trimmings and by-products from aquaculture (A4). (2011) |
Farmed salmonids – diseases 1990 – 2009Factsheet. Health situation of farmed salmonids since 1990. English (2010). | |
Q&A about farmed salmonQuestions and answers bout farmed Norwegian salmon. English (2010). | |
Q&A concerning fish feedQuestions and answers concerning fish feedfor Norwegian salmon farms. English (2009). | |
MSC Certified Fisheries in NorwayAll the major commercial fisheries in Norway are certified according to the ecolabel MSC – Marine Stewardship Council. (A4). Language: Norwegian and English (2010). | |
MSC Certified Fisheries in NorwayAll the major commercial fisheries in Norway are certified according to the ecolabel MSC – Marine Stewardship Council. (A4). Language: Norwegian and English (2010). | |
Norwegian aquaculture – technology, knowledge, productionPoster (print, A2). Language: Norwegian. | |
Aquaculture – R&DPoster (print, A2). Language: Norwegian. | |
Norwegian seafoodPoster (print, A2). Language: Norwegian. | |
Title: “En glad laks” (“A happy salmon”)Video (DVD) about salmon farming in Norway. Target audience: School children.Language: Norwegian. Produced for Laksefakta (2006). |
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