Up till now the following Norwegian fisheries are certified according to the MSC-standard; Northeast Atlantic mackerel, Norwegian spring-spawning herring, North Sea autumn-spawning herring, Northeast Arctic saithe , Northeast Arctic cod and Northeast Arctic haddock.
The certifications of the Norwegian fisheries are all a result of a joint action from the Norwegian seafood industry. By doing this in a generic way we can offer everyone taking part in the relevant fishery, processing and trading to make use of the MSC- certification.
The MSC-certification is based on comprehensive assessment of the fishery, carried out by an independent certification body.
The northern shrimp stock in the Barents Sea is managed sustainably, and both the stock and the fishing mortality are well within scientific advices. The prawn fishery is already certified according to the Friend of the Sea criteria and the KRAV criteria. The Norwegian seafood industry are sure that the very well managed fishery also will be able to meet the MSC-criteria.
The main markets for Norwegian prawns from the Barents Sea are UK, the Nordic countries and the Northern Europe for the rest. These are all markets that place great emphasis on sustainability.
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